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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Journey Planning

Vehicle planning is perhaps the most archaic part of the theory test question makeup with many of the traditional ways now superseded by modern technology, but still, like anything in life it is always good to be aware of your options, especially if they are likely to crop up in a test. Lets go over the options beginning with (1) Maps, the 20th century version of the satnav and still has its advantages, for instance if you are doing a long journey then a map of the UK will give you the kind of overview a satnav cannot, allowing you to plot a route around traffic congestion hotspots, thus conserving your time and fuel. (2) contacting a motoring organisation for a route plan of your journey. (3) Internet route planners, like satnavs these sites can offer the most direct or the quickest route. A contradictory statement perhaps but actually the fastest route usually translates into a longer route but one that uses motorways and major roads. Anyone familiar with these options on a satnav are probably laughing hysterically at the irony of this... or not, anyway, don’t forget to print out your brilliantly plotted course with its cunningly built in rest stops to help your concentration (remember that)

But why are you even doing all this planning unless you are 17 going on 70? Shouldn't you just point your car in approximately the right direction and take off? Apart from the not wanting to get lost thing of course, a well planned journey is an easier journey (that’s the buzz word here) think of all those congestion hotspots you are going to be avoiding because you plotted a route around them or planned your journey to avoid school runs and peak times. In my early driving days, and discovering i could not sleep, i would often jump in the car and drive across the country to my parents house, let myself in, have breakfast and scare the daylights out of my folks as they stumbled downstairs to discover their errant son sitting there (not burgling the place) Incidentally, at no time was there any thought given to travelling at less congested times, that was just a happy coincidence.

Woahhhh! before getting in the car for that long journey did you check the oil level? You did? well ok then. But have you adjusted your driving position? It'll only take a minute, adjust your mirrors to suit your height then the headrest so it is supporting your head, if you are planning to enter 'The Demon Road' you can be sure it will save your neck from whiplash later. Finally, make sure you are wearing appropriate shoes for driving then you are ready to move off. Oh wait, just one more thing... next time

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