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Monday, 9 April 2012

Theory Test Novel: Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre

So you’ve done your basic checks, there are no cuts in the sides of the tyres, check, the tread depth is over 1.6mm (sweet 16), check, the lights are all working, check, your belt, the horn, the washer wipers are all working, check, the oil’s topped up, your seat, your head-rest, your mirrors are adjusted and your footwear isn’t gonna get stuck under the pedals, all checked. Great, but this is a long journey so may I humbly suggest you get some emergency items in place? If we’re going to be taking The Demon Road it might be wise, ahh but I see you’re keen to be off so let’s keep this down to the following 3 items: Fire extinguisher, First aid kit and warning triangle (I have a neat memory trick for warning triangles later on by the way)
Time to go so check the gear stick is in neutral and start your car up. Whether you are new to the Highway Code or a veteran you have probably heard the phrase; Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre. First thing first then, check all the mirrors, next have a good look over your shoulder, this is important as mirrors do not show every angle of the road, those areas not covered are called blind spots, imagine a little blind man living inside your wing mirror, whenever you forget to check over your shoulder he climbs out and begins angrily rapping on the glass with his cane, got an image? hold it... Ok and finally, if appropriate, signal to let others know you want to move out. Who knows, if its busy somebody might flash their lights to invite you out (contrary to reports, courtesy on the road isn’t dead yet). A quick note here about flashing your lights or using your horn, only do this to let other road users know you are there (remember this) flashing your lights or waving your hands in a courtesy gesture could confuse other road users. The Demon Road: A Theory Test Novel will be released on June 1st. Urban driving next time...

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