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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hidden Hazards

Great, we’re moving but be vigilant on this residential street, the blind spots aren’t all in the mirrors anymore. All these parked cars lining the street are perfect camouflage for ‘moving object’ hazards such as (1) pedestrians. The road is fairly wide so it might be a good idea to move closer to the centre lines in case somebody randomly opens a (2) car door onto the road, and is that a wheel sticking out between two cars up ahead on the left? thought so, slow down and watch out for that emerging (3) cyclist. Now what? a ball rolling out into the road? better slow down again, knowing the demon road as i do I feel sure a (4) child is going to run out after it in a second. What a hotbed of hidden hazards a residential road is, don't forget to watch out for the bigger hazards like (5) cars emerging from driveways or pulling away from parked, not everyone has a miniature blind guy living inside their wing mirror ready to jump out and reprimand them for not checking their blind spot.
Just a quick note here as we approach the end of this landmined road, see that car parked close to the junction on the right? NO NO NO don't park within 10 metres of a junction (remember this), that car is generating a blind spot and a hazard hotspot, at junctions you need all your sight lines to be clear. You must be ever aware of the hazards and the blind spots that conceal them. Junctions have their own particular subset of both, take that cyclist, for instance, the one that emerged from between the cars a few minutes back, check him out in your nearside wing mirror (nearside mirrors are those nearest the curb, offside mirrors are those farthest from the curb) he could be a developing hazard all over again as he may well cycle down your inside to take poll position at the junction. All you need know about him for the moment is that cyclists are vulnerable at junctions (remember this) 'The Demon Road: A Theory Test Novel' published June 1st, Next time more on junctions...

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