We can reduce it by three quarters simply by understanding that most theory test questions are asked at least four times, each time from a different angle, but always with the same answer. For example, how to handle a mobile phone call whilst driving, it’s illegal so don’t. Remember (Cell to cell) and always find a safe place to park before making or answering any call or text. We are four times more likely to crash by using a mobile whilst driving (that’s in the test by the way) try remembering this stat with the ‘Phones4U’ slogan.
By boiling down the theory test question bank to it's purest form and putting them into exaggerated scenes that can be easily recalled during a test, the Theory Test Novel is thus born. A book sadly denied to previous generations, but not to you as of June 1.
In your own test you will have 57 minutes on the clock in which to answer 50, randomly selected, multiple choice questions, 43 or more correct answers will see you through. You will have a 15 minute grace period to get familiar with the system and try some practice questions before starting. Next time, a closer look at the hazard perception bit...
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