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Friday, 4 May 2012

Driving Theory Test Novel: Motorcycle, Dr ABC

Are we cool? Didn’t mean to snap at you in that last post, I was just a bit tense. It’s always a good idea to take a break and calm down after an incident. Looks like somebody else lost it up ahead too, look, there’s a motorcyclist laying in the road, is that the one that flew past us a few posts back? I thought we might be seeing him again.
We are the first arriving on the scene so we had better stop and take care of him, or her. Do you know what Dr ABC stands for? Yeah, I know, you’re not in the test centre yet. It stands for Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation. Before you get to the nitty gritty of checking the rider you need to assess the environment for Danger such as oncomng cars, he is laying in the road so he is in a vulnerable position. Your Response to the situation comes next and must be done without putting yourself at risk and exaserbating things. I recommend you put your hazard warning lights on at this point to warn other road users of the hazard, better call emergancy services as well as nobody else is around to do so. Ok, lets check this rider out. Ensure you don't move him unless it is essential, we don't know if he has suffered a neck injury, your first priority will be to check his breathing. In another situation you could you could put your cheek over his/her mouth to feel for breathing before checking his Airway to make sure it not blocked before moving on to getting breathing and circulation going again if needed. However, and for the same reasons you will not be moving him unless essential, i.e potential neck injury, you won't be removing his helmet. You could lift his visor and put your cheek over his mouth to feel for the breathing bit, but maybe there is another way to tell, check his visor out, you see it has fogged up? this indicates that he is breathing ok. His chest is also rising and falling so no need for cpr this time hey, relieved?
You must wait for the ambulance to arrive now and I will rejoin you after it has been. Hey, no point in both of us being here. Do you have a smart phone? Why not check out how Mr Green handles the same situation in The Demon Road: A Theory Test Novel. You can find out more at please like the page, many thanks.

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