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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Vehicle documents part 1 - insurance

So this is the vehicle documents bit, perhaps the least interesting and unpalatable of all the theory test/driving related issues we could talk about but hey, if you don’t experience the sour how can you appreciate the sweet? Think of this post as the coffee flavoured revel, you need to digest it before you can finish the pack. Ok let’s talk quickly before that police officer gets out of his cruiser and comes over, no doubt he’s running a check on your vehicle right now to see if you are insured. You are aren’t you?
There are three standard levels of insurance, beginning with (1)Third Party, which is exactly that, it covers damage to other vehicles and injury to other people i.e the third party in any accident, you are not covered in any way here. (2) Third party Fire and Theft adds another layer and now covers your own vehicle for.. oh you got it, fire and theft (3) Comprehensive insurance (fully comp), covers everything, that’s pretty comprehensive then.
Staying in the insurance zone for a moment longer, what is excess? Well in order to achieve a cheaper price when you buy your insurance you can agree to pay an excess amount of money in the event you get into an accident, so if the repair bill on that hypothetical future accident is £500 then you will pay the first £100, if that's the amount you agreed (that’s the excess) The more excess you agree to in advance the less the insurance will cost, and most of us, believing we are invincible, will agree to any old excess right? cos we are going to be the best driver on the road and that accident aint happening so its a redundant issue. It’s a brain/ego versus wallet choice really.
Ah, I see you just have a cover note at the moment, this is the temporary insurance document companies sometimes issue while they are preparing your full documents, that’s fine, your cover note is valid for a month and will be accepted by the officer. Something else temporary is the anesthetising effects of this topic on your brain maybe so lets conclude this necessary discussion on documents next time...

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